Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Unrequited Love

Sadly we see this happen in too many relationships, unrequited love, being in love with someone but they don't love you. Have you ever known anyone who has been in this situation, or maybe you personally have been? Well unrequited love is not an easy thing to deal with. Love is such a strong emotion, it does not come easy or quick nor does it leave just as fast.

The Great Gatsby has some examples; Tom and Daisy, Daisy is a sad and lonely woman, her husband Tom does not love her and has a mistress, which Daisy knows about but does nothing. Then we meet the mistress, Myrtle, who is also married, she neither loves her husband. He is a polite man and has no clue of his wife's affair, he does not have a lot of money and Mrtyle is sick of him. And remind you the time era of this book is the 1920's, women rarely ever cheated. The 20's were supposed to have a society of clean cut Americans.
This shows that no matter how long ago it was, unfortunately we have been experiencing unrequited love for more than enough times. Why is it that our emotions so real and strong? Love can be the most fantastic or painful thing in life.

1 comment:

  1. Good post, but your pictures are not showing up at all. Check on your settings or where you got your images from. 60/75

    Ms. Donahue
